07776 420933
The easiest way to get and appointment is to book online. Some cancellations and short notice appointments might not show online, so please send a message or call and we will try to accommodate you whenever possible.
You can text or call and Dr Christoph Datler will be happy to discuss any questions you might have before booking. This is Christoph's direct number, so your call often cannot be answered during ongoing treatments.
For non-urgent communication or booking requests, email us or use the contact form provided just below.
Contact your local Experts for Osteopathy, Sports Injuries, Pilates, Massage and Acupuncture
Eliot Hill Treatment Room
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COVID-19 BOOKING POLICIES: We are Open for in-person Treatments
Special procedures are in place to make your appointment as effective, comfortable and safe as possible. This means Dr Christoph Datler offers hands-on treatments and emergency consultations in clinic and will also continue to offer remote appointments for those who cannot attend clinic due to their circumstances. Clinic and remote appointments can be booked online via the button below. Please read carefully and get in touch to discuss any of your concerns or to get more detailed information.
Blackheath Sports Clinic Procedures - Updated Dec'22
- strict hygiene measures including hand and equipment sanitising
- no use of towels unless necessary
- come strictly on time (no waiting area), and expect to finish on time
- sanitising hand spray at the beginning/end of treatment
Patient Requirements
- you do not currently have any COVID-related symptoms or have knowingly been in contact with a symptomatic person
- extremely vulnerable patients should book the first slot of the day to minimise exposure
- please address any concerns you have before and at any point during your appointment - we want you to feel comfortable