Dr Christoph Datler offers remote appointments and video consultations. Remote appointments are an effective and safe way to assess your condition, get a working diagnosis and prescribe targeted self-help strategies, rehabilitation exercises or stretches to get you better. If your neuro-musculo-skeletal concerns are so urgent, that you would prefer an in-person appointment, these are also available again!
Of course, you can still call/text/WhatApp me on 07776420933 or email [email protected] if you want to discuss any questions before your remote appointment.
How does it work?
Technological solutions make it relatively easy to set up remote appointments. You have made it to this website, so you will be able to attend your remote consultation, exercise or Pilates class.
Prior to your appointment, your will be sent a link that you just need to follow to join the remote treatment suite. Alternatively we will call you to talk you through the steps. All you need is a device (phone, tablet, laptop) with access to the internet. Currently we use Zoom, WhatsApp, Skype or Facebook Messenger and the best option for you will be discussed with you prior to your appointment. |
What benefits can you expect from your remote appointment?
I will listen carefully to your concerns and case history and ask relevant questions to help me structure the assessment and get to the source of your symptoms - ASSESS You will be asked to go through a series of specific movements or positions to help me test what causes your pain. These will be demonstrated by me and you will get clear instructions what to look out for - DIAGNOSE Combining your case history and special tests we will form a 'working diagnosis' that will allow you to understand the problem and then make plan of action together - DISCUSS We will then discuss self help or where possible self treatment (I will show you how and where to use massage balls or everyday objects to treat your joints and muscles). I will also demonstrate and instruct you through targeted exercises and stretches to start your recovery - FOLLOW-UP You will get an email with the write-up of your homework and have the opportunity to arrange a follow-up appointment to check on your progress or discuss any concerns you might have |
Why remote appointments?Considering the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, everyone needs to take responsible measures to ensure social distancing and limit the spread of the infections, especially to the elderly and vulnerable - and we are doing our part to limit non-essential person to person contact and potential virus spread while still supporting you in yoru recovery.
The NHS is working hard to provide urgent care for COVID-19 patients, and with limited capacity for neuro-musculo-skeletal care at this point in time, our remote consultations are a valuable starting point for your timely recovery What conditions can benefit?Remote appointments are suitable for a wide range of neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions including pains, aches, stiffness and tension resulting from problems in your skeletal structure, postural alignment, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, connective tissues, irritated or pinched nerves, etc.
07776 420933
The easiest way to get an appointment is to book online. If your wished slot is not available, call or message us and - if possible - we will still try to accommodate you! This will ensure you are looked after in a timely manner as some slots and short notice appointments might not be available online.
Contact us on 07776 420933 by calling or texting - Our osteopath Dr Christoph Datler will be happy to discuss any questions you might have before booking. This is Christoph's direct number, so please accept our apologies that your call cannot be answered during ongoing treatments.
For non-urgent communication or booking requests, email us or use the contact form provided at the bottom of this page.