What is Remedial Massage and Sports Massage at Blackheath Clinic?
Your expert sports massage and deep tissue massage therapists for Blackheath, Lewisham and Greenwich (London) relieve sore muscles, tightness and stiffness fast: Our massage techniques effectively address imbalances (such as painful scar tissues, stiffness, tightness, tension, adhesions, waste products) in your soft tissues (muscles, tendons, fascia, connective tissue) and produces overwhelming benefits by physical, physiological and psychological effects. It should play an important part in the life of any sportsman/woman and anyone taking care of their body and is recommended for people of all levels of fitness and activity - irrespective of age or training ambition (inactive people, movement enthusiasts, recreational or competitive athletes).
Who can Benefit from a Massage at Blackheath Clinic?
You do not need to be an athlete to benefit from soft tissue manipulation - it helps maintain the body in good condition, and addresses the tension all of us hold in our musculature and fascia due to our stressful lifestyles and disadvantageous habitual postures, e.g. shoulder and neck tightness and stiffness in those involved in computer based office work, hip and lower back tension from periods of prolonged sitting/standing, or repetitive strain injuries from monotonous manual work. It is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, relieve tension and tightness and find lasting relaxation in our hectic lives.
For active athletes, soft tissue therapy is designed to address muscular imbalances by releasing hypertonic muscles and prepare them for their best performance. Regular maintenance treatment reduces work-out fatigue (delayed onset muscle soreness), aid recovery, and in the long term prevent injury before they happen. For injured sportsmen, sports massage is an integral part of a speedy recovery, preventing loss of mobility, breaking down scar tissue and reducing pain. |
What Soft Tissue Techniques do our experienced Massage Therapists use?
Our practitioners always tailor the massage techniques to your needs and wishes. These include Soft Tissue Release (STR), Trigger Point Therapy, Muscle Energy Technique (MET - Postisometric Relaxation and Reciprocal Inhibition), Neuromuscular Technique (NMT), Deep Friction and Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release and other massage techniques inspired by osteopathic techniques.
What are the Specific Benefits of Remedial Massage at Blackheath Clinic?
Our practitioners hold the highest UK qualifications in Sports Massage and the widest range of soft tissue therapy techniques including Soft Tissue Release (STR), Muscle Engergy Technique (MET - reciprocal inhibition and post-isometric relaxation), Neuromuscular Technique (NMT), Deep Tissue and Friction Massage and Myofascial Release techniques.
The stimulation of mechano-receptors deep in your muscles, tendons as well as fascia and all layers of skin will result in neurological and physiological feedback that will decrease muscle tension and thereby relief tightness and stiffness to achieve deep muscular relaxation.
When to Schedule a Massage at Blackheath Clinic?
Soft tissue therapy should be part of an efficient regular maintenance programme to reduce stiffness, aches and pains as well as to maintain or improve range of motion and soft tissue flexibility. This will help you enjoy the activities you love doing and to reach optimal performance while training injury free. We would suggest sessions once or twice a month, increasing to weekly during times when your body is put through strenuous or high intensity activities. It is also a great way to relieve stress and reduce harmful stress hormone levels during busy times (e.g. stressful job, hectic lifestyle, etc.). Deep tissue massage also plays an important part in speeding up healing during injury rehabilitation, with weekly session recommended until you return to your normal activities and regular maintenance thereafter to prevent re-injury.
Pre-Event Massage is recommended within 72 hours preceding an event to reduce excess muscle tension from training and general stress levels prior any sports competition. This will get your ready to perform at your personal best.
Post-Event Massage is given within the 72 hours after a competition and is focused on recovery and kickstarting tissue repair after the strains placed on your muscles and tendons during a sports competition.
In our London Clinic we Often use Remedial and Sports Massage Techniques for: